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Concious, pan-African, living.

Our village philosophy:

At the heart of what we do, we are proud nurturers, creators and investors in livelihoods, education, environment, nutrition and our home continent of Africa


We are proud of the fact that we source majority of our produce from small scale producers.

From Lagos to Limpopo, Malawi to Benin, KwaBulawayo to KwaZulu Natal and many more. We stand for the creation of livelihoods through ethical business. Our belief is that fair and sustainable food businesses hold potential solutions to many of our interconnected challenges.

12 community projects
190 beneficiaries
950 Indirect beneficiaries

Education Initiative

We nurture seedlings into strong trees through our African Banquet Table initiative, a flagship education drive aimed at teaching children the importance of indigenous crops, farming, and the urgent need to protect our planet for future generations through the use of our easy to use hand and colouring books .

300 Schools
6000 Learners
9 Provinces


Our innovative business model that links conservation (Natural resources), rural producer initiatives and markets in a mutually beneficial relationship and teaching communities how to derive a greater value from protect the environment as opposed to exploiting it through the establishment of community bee sanctuaries and addressing Human Wildlife Conflict.

Our goal is to begin planting indigenous trees, promote the growth of climate resistant crops and mitigate deforestation.

3000 trees by end 2024,

Countless fauna and flora that live in harmony with the people.


Food is our currency, and without good food, our village would not thrive. This season, we are putting down new roots and helping our village thrive through our nutritious initiative by distributing various seeds for food gardens in our schools and communities.

98450 indigenous crops varieties across Africa by the end of 2024

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